This is an example file The actual example starts after the dotted line. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :20:3996-11-11-11111 :25:DABADKKK/1111-11-11111 :28:00001/001 :60F:C050831SEK0,00 :61:050927DK 1212,00NRTIKREDITFAKTURA :86:RTI?20KREDITFAKTURA / 01005966?21Beneficiary name?22Address?23Postal Code and City?24222222222222?30DABADKKK?311111-11-11111?32DANSKE BANK HOLMENS KANAL 2-12 :61:050926CK 1201,00NMSC1012345607 :86:MSC?201012345607 / 00000000?21Senders name?22Address?23Postal Code and City?30DABADKKK?311111-11-11111?32DANSKE BANK HOLMENS KANAL 2-12 :61:050927CK 1212,00NMSCREF NR 101234560//7 :86:MSC?20REF NR 1012345607 / RAD 1 MED REF 1098765405 / INFOPOST RAD 2 /?2101005966?22Senders name?23Address?24Postal Code and City?25222222222222?30DABADKKK?311111-11-11111?32DANSKE BANK HOLMENS KANAL 2-12 :61:050926CK 1221,00NMSC1012345607 :86:MSC?201012345607 / Infopost rad 1 / 01020387?21Senders name?22Address?23Postal Code and City?24333333333333?30DABADKKK?311111-11-11111?32DANSKE BANK HOLMENS KANAL 2-12 :61:050926CK 1223,00NMSCNon Reference :86:MSC?2001020387?21Senders name?22Address?23Postal Code and City?24444444444444?30DABADKKK?311111-11-11111?32DANSKE BANK HOLMENS KANAL 2-12 :62F:D060411SEK 7357,00 :20:3996-11-11-11111 :25:DABADKKK/1111-11-11111 :28:00002/001 :60F:D060411SEK7357,00 :86:999?20For your inform. IBAN no.: SE111111111111111111111?30DABADKKK?311111-11-11111?32DANSKE BANK HOLMENS KANAL 2-12 :62F:D060412SEK 7357,00